Wednesday 23 March 2016


On the following pictures you can see the questions I asked from a group of people that contained 20 people, at the same time you can see the feedback I received. By gathering this data my main aim in terms of target audience in age is going to be mainly 15-18 also 18-21, however I also have a certain amount of people above 21 that is going to be interested in my music magazine. This survey could be bias to a certain extent due to the lack of availability in for a wide range of people. I have e-mailed this survey to over 100 people, however only 20 could have given me answer. Therefore I have to rely on the research I have previously done and my knowledge that I know about this genre.

The survey's data shows that my target audience is going to be 60% male and 40% female, which means a male dominated target audience. This will change the mood, of my magazine, because a magazine has to appeal to the main and wider target audience. This will allow me to make the magazine more masculine and dominant looking, by using certain colours and layouts. However at the same time I will need to make sure that I also appeal to my female audience in a way, that I will satisfy their needs to. This is because if I make my music magazine that only appeals towards male I will loose a large number of customers, because a 60-40% ratio is not a huge difference when we are talking about a large brand in the music magazine names.

The survey also shows that people prefer a lay out where the masthead is being placed behind the main picture or the model, this could be shown on the magazines that I have researched, because most of them are being designed this way.

The survey has shown me that the majority of people notice the main image first on a magazine cover therefore I will have to make sure that it looks really professional and follows the convention of a real music magazine cover.

I will make my magazine to be £4, this is because it is realistic and most of the people are willing to pay this amount for a music magazine, especially when we are talking about a really professional hip-hop magazine that appeals to such large target audience.

The survey also helped me a lot in terms of shades and colours that I will have to consider, this is because it has shown that people are more likely to prefer a bright colour as shown on the data that I have collected. This could be because it creates a positive environment, and a welcoming image.
At the same time it helped me to decide about the number of fonts that I will use on the magazine cover. The majority of the people who have taken this survey said, they prefer 3 font type on the magazine cover, this could be because it creates an interest look to it that is not boring, and also highlights certain areas of the magazine that might be special or exclusive therefore a different font type is definitely a signal for labelling something that needs to be read or seen.

Overall, I already had my main ideas about the magazine cover, contents page and double page spread, however this survey helped me to make certain key decisions about the lay out of it, for example the double page spread is going to be organised in a way that it will have a whole page for the main image and the other 50 percent will be for the text and the actual article. As a main idea I was going to create a montage of picture for the contest page however I made a new decision that I will have a main image and text next to it, because the survey as shown more people prefer that kind of design