Wednesday 10 February 2016

Photo shoot preparation

In able to create my own music magazine in my chosen genre which is going to be Hip-Hop, I needed the perfect models, which I believe I have found as well. I already had their contact numbers therefore I have texted him, and they allowed me to take photographs of them and also use them.

For my photo shoot I found the perfect model who could be represented as a rapper, or a hip-hop star, since I am doing a rap magazine cover. His name is Roland Timotity. He is my best friend and also I have worked with and for him which is extremely beneficial, because the work will be quick and smooth and most importantly fun at the same time . He is a student and an employee at the same time. He is 19 years old studying personal training.
-He is 6.2 tall (188cm)
-Muscular body
-A hip-hop lover
This is going to enable me an easier way to do my work since he is a hip-hop lover. He knows the genre he knows the behaviour, the image, and the dress code of this particular style.

plan is that he is going to be on the front cover and the double page spread

For my second photoshoot I have chosen a lady model called Amina Humphreys, who I have known for a while, because we are going to the same school. She is mixed race which I thought will be an advantage for me to work with because hip-hop culture is associated with black culture, because they have started doing it. I am planning to use the pictures that I will be taking for the contents page.
She is : -14 years old
-5 feet 6 inches tall,
-Curley hair
-Fashionable style
-hip-hop lover
Due to her style and her love towards hip-hop is going allow me to work with her easily, and create a natural look on the pictures that looks official and original.
My plan is to use her photographs on the contents page


We are going to have two different locations for the photo shoot. Which is going to be my living room , where we have lots of light therefore I can create good quality pictures. Of course I am going to use my backdrops to create studio looking pictures, like I have done during my preliminary task.
The other location is going to be outdoor. Near to my house where there are lots of brick walls, and basketball courts. I have chosen these locations because they relate to hip-hop and it gives a rough and hard look to the photographs.

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