Wednesday 2 December 2015

Research |IPC Media|

I have chosen to research IPC media, it is a large UK based media company that holds a lot of different media platforms and magazines such as: Now, TV Weekly and country life.

IPC uses different platforms that allow them to offer a really good customer service, and also shares the important information through different platforms, therefore the availability for it increases. Their topics and article are published online, through mobile, and tablets and also most importantly through magazines.

They have got an incredibly big target audience with the number 26 million. This number is being divided for 58% women and 42% men, which shows the main target audience is women, which is a key factor in terms of how they design their branding  and their image, in able to appeal to their main target audience.

In the 1800 they were called differently and their first newspaper called “Filled” has been launched in 1853, also they already had other newspaper such as: Horse and Hound, Shooting Times, and The Railway Magazine.

The IPC stands for International Publishing Corporation Ltd, they become an ltd in1963, and by this time they have more than 60 iconic brands and they have viability in more than 80 countries.

They have a large range of target audience, that is why they diversified to make different magazines with different genres such as, women’s life, home, sports

For example NME a large music magazine of theirs has been released in 1952 which created a first official UK Chart which is still active ever since that time.

This is one of the NME magazine’s edition, and we can see Rihanna, a famous pop singer on the magazine cover. The layout of the cover is really simple , based on 2-3 colors, which makes the model stand out.
-It impresses the audience with its simplicity

-it appeals to a younger audience because of the model and the font style

-It also makes the audience pay attention to the masthead, because of the image representation.

Here are some other examples from different editions of NME, magazine. As we can see they have changed their image throughout different editions, in able to create an appealing look that is not boring and that specifically appeals to their target audience.
Because of its lay outs, topics, and the celebrities that they are working with, we know that they are appealing to a wide range of target audience in age of 13-30 who like pop music. They probably made this decision, because their magazine is UK’s official chart, and also a massive percentage of people like pop music or at least they are interested what is going on within the pop industry.

The colors and the lay outs they use for their music magazines are really simple, which creates fashionable look. As we can see on the examples above they like to use bold colors such as red, white and black to be able to show contrast and increase attention for certain parts of the magazine


Another famous magazine that has been published by IPC media is : Inside Soap, which is a social magazine, to inform and entertain about happenings around UK , celebrities, and gossips.
It started of as a monthly magazine in October 1992 however by 2003 September they received such a big range of audience they decided to publish their magazine weekly.

This particular magazine is different to the one I have researched earlier on. This is because NME is a music magazine and Inside Soap is a gossip magazine, and also they have different target audiences.

 As we can see Inside Soap’s magazine majorly differs from the magazine (NME) that I have chosen earlier on.

As you see the lay out is more complicated, with more explosive colours that signify different moods, and also it contains a montage of pictures which demonstrates what the stories about and it appeals to a older target audience in age of (20-50), people who are really interested in gossips and celebrities’ life.
-montage of pictures
-explosive interesting colour
-power of three
-love and drama


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