Thursday 10 December 2015

Research task |BBC Worldwide|

BBC Worldwide Ltd. Isa subsidiary of BBC which have formed out of BBC Enterprises in 1995. It is one of the largest commercial arm in the UK, that publishes different sorts of magazines to be able to satisfy their customers’ needs.

 This is because BBC’s main objective and motto is “To educate, inform and entertain”. Therefore like other bigger or also smaller media companies they diversify themselves, in able to specialise their focus on one particular target audience group.

This allows them to target a wider range of people, through offering them what they want and what they are interested in, and also it allows them to expand their audience’s knowledge and enjoyments for their favourite BBC programmes through magazines, digital editions, books and live events.

BBC Magazines' overall performance is up 2.8% period on period and stable year on year*, as a result of several new launches, strong performances by its specialist brands and the closure of some poor-performing titles.


One of their major  publishment Top Gear, which is a TV show, a website and they also have a magazine for it has a major influence on BBC’s target audience. It mainly targets male target audience in age of 15-60 which is a really wide range. It is also interesting to see how they attract such a wide range of audience, by creating a particular image for themselves, and choosing specialised topics that interest their target audience.

-easy to read
-looks professional-apealing look                                                                                             

The layout of the magazine looks really professional, it also relates and represents the topic that they are actually dealing with which are cars, the colouring is simple, which is based on white, red and ,black which allows a professional, simple and effective influence on the audience, in any age. Also they like to use extreme colours such as orange and green to create a unique look to the magazine, in certain editions. This allows them to appeal to a younger target audience, and also shows the diversity of the magazine.

BBC Music magazine is a monthly magazine, that had its first issue appeared in June. Its original owner of this particular was BBC Worldwide and Warner Music Enterprises. 

It had such a massive success it also has an edition in North America which was first published in March 1993. The magazine reflects broadcast output of BBC radio 3, which plays classical music, jazz, world music and the latest trends in classical music of the 21st century
The genre of the music shows what target audience they want to appeal to, which is women and men in age of 40+, this is because classical and jazz music is more likely to be liked by this age group


-simple-professional-image focusedsophisticated

The ‘Music” magazine has a different target audience who they appeal to as I said earlier on, therefore they have to make sure that they maintain , their professional look, which helps them to keep their image and reputation at the same time.  The most noticeable factor that anyone could see is that they keep the shape, and colour of their masthead, not like most of the magazines do, which allows them to be loyal to their image. They like to use the colour black because it matches with a lot of other colours and also it creates a professional look, which in this case is really important in able to appeal to their target audience.

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