Monday 11 April 2016

Developements of the final pieces

On the following pictures you can see some additional pictures what I have done during developing my magazine cover. The first thing that you can notice is that I have cut out the background, and I made it more professional looking, also I have used the liquefy tool to make my model look more muscular because it is very important aspect to look good and fit as a hip-hop star, as you can see several pictures here about famous other rappers

The next step was adding the tattoos to Rolands, body. he already has one tattoo on his wrist, however it did not look enough in able to create professional hip-hop star looking photograph, therefore I added tattoos myself. I downloaded patterns from online, which that I cut out the background for and then darkened and at the end decreased the opacity, which as you can see gave amazing results in terms of original looking.
I was following my plan that I created in my head what I want my magazine cover to look like and overall everything was going well which I am really happy about.

2) Contents page developments

3) double page spread developments

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