Saturday 9 April 2016

Photoshoot n.o.2

The first photo shoot I have done was with my best friend, Roland, and we took some really good quality pictures and there are many that are not going to be suitable for the creation of my Hip-hop magazine cover. The second photo shoot was with Amina, and here is the contact sheet for all the pictures that we have taken. As you can see there was some major clothing changes in able to create a wider range of photographs that could increase the chance that they are going to be more useful

On the following picture you can see all the photographs I have taken of Amina. I have decided to use this pictures on my contents page therefore I have tried to position her in certain ways that will benefit the settings of my contents page.

On the following picture we can see a white background my model in a black dress, which signifies darkness, creates contrast, and represents dominance. By placing this photograph to the side it would be a great contents page.

The following photograph is also really well positioned for my contents page. The orange dress allows a playing and cheerful look, which would bring a feminine aspect to the music magazine, however it might be too feminine which would decrease the amount of views I would make with my music magazine, since my survey has shown the majority of my audience are male

The following picture gives a really dominant and powerful look, which would be suitable for the contents page, however it is not a full picture therefore it is not going to be useful for me

I have considered this photograph one of the best, this is because the model is looking to the side which would be a really powerful indication for the contents labels next to the main photo, however due to the black background I would have to use the colour black wich might not create a friendly look to it.

This photograph would be really successful,because of the microphone use. This way of holding it would appeal to the male target audience mainly, and also to the girl target audience at the same time, this is because she could be a role model to them.

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