Monday 11 April 2016

Evaluation for the music magazine Cover (video)

Q3) What kind of media institution might distribute your music magazine and why? 

I have chosen Time Inc as my distributor company, this is because my music magazine is american hip-hop based, because it targets a wider target audience, than UK hip-hop. Time Inc distributes over 90 different magazines, one of them is a really famous music magazine called NME, which i mentioned during my research task. It has established in 1922, which shows the amount of experience and reputation this institution has, and by using them as a distributor company, I would be able to expand the target audience my music magazine is reaching to. The company is also divided to Time Inc UK and Time Inc which would allow my magazine to not only target U.S audience but worldwide through the UK, which would also allow me to bring hip-hop as a culture together and increase connectivity.

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