Saturday 9 April 2016

Potential fonts

The following font is called Againts, which gives the impression of being designed with a paint brush, and it misses parts in certain places where the angles are not sharp and perfect which gives a modern and urban look to the font. Its urban look would allow me to appeal to my target audience, also because of its modern structure I would be able to appeal to my young target audience. It looks presentable and does not follow perfect conventions which relates to hip-hop. This is because hip-hop does not follow any rule in terms of rhythm and rhyme, it has several sub genres that is why I have chosen this font time.

-graffiti like

-could be feminine
-does not give a professional impression

The following font is called Alergian, which gives a sophisticated impression to the environment we put it in. It is really easy to read which could be beneficial for the name of the magazine. Its simplicity is being boosted up with a slight twist in certain areas of each letters which is a great combination for a smart but unusual look

-easy to read

-might be too smart
-not modern enough
The following font is American Captain, which truly has been used as the movie Captain America, however I believed this font type would be a successful font type in a hip hop magazine, perhaps as a masthead or maybe a main headline, or a strapline, because of its simple and strong structure. By enhancing it with different colours depending on the atmosphere we are using it, it could be a really urban and modern looking font type for a magazine cover.

-very simple
-easy to read
-could be enhanced very easily

-Reputation from the movie could pull the image of the magazine down
-higher chance to appeal to an older target audience

The following font type is called engravers MT, and I have chosen this because I thought it would be one of the most beneficial font type to create my double page spread or my contents page, because it as that old-school newspaper font type look, which gives an original and professional look to the magazine, which could be a great contrast to the rough and modern looking hip-hop magazine, which is extreme however today's society loves to see new, creative, and extreme .

-professional look
-easy to read

-there is only capital letters available for this font

I have decided to consider this font type, because it is such a simple font with stylish features because of the mixture of rounded and square finishes. I considered this font type to be used anwhere in my magazine, for example on the cover, on the double page spread and also on the content page, because of its great  and appealing look, that allows to appeal to female and male target audience in this particular genre.

-modern, urban look
-easy apply to appeal to a large target audience
-easy to read

-maybe too simple
-too formal
The following font is IMPACT, which is a basic font that is available in most programs such as Microsoft Office, however its simplicity and style has caught my eyes that made me consider it as a font type for my masthead. It signifies power because of the bold and thick letters, which would be suitable for my hip-hop magazine that I am creating

-easy to read
-bold letters
-easy to work with
-easy improvements could be done with Photoshop

-might be to simple
-work is needed to make it stand out

The following font type is Master of Break, which is one of my favourites. IT gives the impression that it is handwritten, however its thickness of it and the way the letters are being organised gives it a really urban look. This would be extremely suitable for my music magazine, because of its cool look, that could appeal to my target audience, because it signifies energy.

-Modern and cool look
-hip-hop look
-easy to work with

-it is harder to read
-could be feminine in different environments which would decrease the range of my target audience

Old English font type is a really popular font, and it also has been used for several film and video games such as Grand Theft Auto San Andreas which increased to reputation of this game. Because of the game is being played on the American streets with a main character (black American gangster) the font is being associated with the hip-hop culture already, and it gives it a rough look.
However its look resembles the actual old English writings from different books, which pulls down its modern look

-could adapt to different environments including smart or modern.

-could be too old looking therefore will not appeal to the target audience.

Again very simple font, which is smart and presentable, also easy to work with, which is always a benefit for the editor who is me in this case and the reader as well because it is easy to read, this is why I was considering this type of font to be used on the double page spread or the contents page with a combination of colours and pictures.

-easy to read
-easy to work with

-lack of modern loo
-too sophisticated

The following font is really similar to the font type I talked about at the first case "the against" font type, howeer it naturally has a bigger letter structure and its capital letters are really well designed when using with the non capital letters which created a reason why I wanted to use this font for my masthead of my magazine cover, or a main title for a contents page or double page spread, depending on the environment of course. It is really modern, really urban and really stylish, that could anyone like.

-easy to read
-very stylish
-extremely well designed
-could be improved with some further desings

-Could be feminine with certain colours
-it could be hard to read it.

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