Sunday 10 April 2016

Masthead creation

As soon as I figured the name of the magazine out I started to think about the designs of the masthead. Which I have experimented for and came up with three different designs.

this was my first try to create the masthead for my magazine. as you can see I have created a few layers and effect as you se on the developments on the screenshot. However I was not happy with the overall look of, because it might in my opinion it came out too complicated and it does not have the professional looking features.

 The following masthead I created was my second try which I was really happy with because it has a really modern look, and the colour red enhances the look of it by adding power, love to the masthead.
As I shown in my previous post I really liked the font type "AGAINST" which as you can see I have used and it came out quite well but I wanted to run some further experiments with different fonts.

 Finally I have created the masthead I am going to use on my magazine cover. I found the font type "impact" and I really liked it personally and I believed with further developments and some effects would have a great look which will match my magazine cover. But as you can see on my first trial I have overcomplicated the masthead and I took a look at my analysis and all the mastheads I looked at were very simple, therefore I made the decision to stick to simple colours and fonts. As you can see the outcome is great and it will be able to appeal to my target audience. I also included the motto of the magazine I have created.

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